Spotting the Perfect Lace Front Wig

How do you know your career goals align with your heart? When you have a massive happiness attack seeing the wig you imagined in your head is a real wig and you in seconds contact said wig makers demanding info. When your film is a few years from now. THIS WIG GIVES ME JOY.

Synthetic hair means less time in the hair and makeup chair with faux hair holding up styles longer. Vegan materials is a bonus. And, lace front for that natural hairline!

Can you guess which movie of mine I have my eye on this wig for? My remake of The Time Machine. Could it be anything else? I live and dream for The Time Machine as my first real budgeted live action movie I make. The actresses in my movie will all have wigs inspired by old Hollywood cinema. This copper wig will be worn by yours truly.

This wig has redhead Marilyn Monroe in Gentleman Prefer Blondes vibes all over it.

Nicole Russin-McFarland

Nicole Russin-McFarland scores music for cinema, production libraries and her own releases distributed by AWAL. She is currently developing her first budgeted films to score and act in with friends. And, she owns really cool cats.


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