Trying Out the Pier 1 LED Fake Candlesticks (Parental Gift!)

Pier 1 and me....what?! In the same sentence? Me at a home decor store? Me?!?! She who is an honorary frat boy years post-graduation?

Yes. :)

Officially, these guys are known as the LED Color-Changing Outdoor Pillar Candle Set with Remote. How's that for a long title? The review on there is written by some clueless person who claims the white option looks blue and the colors are off. Rolling my eyes. Sounds like a rival company to me or a prankster doing a fake review. Or, as I said, a clueless person. This is a really nice gift set.

The fake candles run on three AAA batteries each. The tiny remote is very cute. This would make a nice present for a young man or a young woman. Either gender.

The fake candles are good for light therapy. Add a bit of positivity into your day and work load with some color. My fav setting is the tie dye one!

Nicole Russin-McFarland

Nicole Russin-McFarland scores music for cinema, production libraries and her own releases distributed by AWAL. She is currently developing her first budgeted films to score and act in with friends. And, she owns really cool cats.


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